Belinda Lindhardt

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

weekly smudge 21-8-07

Recently i have been receiving questions (which i am only too happy to answer) and reading comments from Australian coloured pencil artists regarding techniques and just general lack of interest from galleries in exhibiting cp works in Australia. Seeing as lot of my work does feature coloured pencils i thought it would be good to put together resource for us all basically to "get connected" in the hope of more and more people getting into the medium.

So i created a lens on Squidoo: Australian Coloured Pencils Resources . I have since remembered that Katherine has recently written a whole post about Do you Squidoo? So if you have no idea what i am talking about (cause i didnt) .. go check her post out.

Note: I am not attempting to infringe on Katherine's lenses she has a fabulous resource, i don't want to compete with hers, i just wanted to look available resources from an Australian perspective, and to try to get individual artists communicating together - greater power in numbers and all that.

Anywho, without further ado here is the link if you have any link recommendations please don't hesitate to send them through i am hoping this little baby will grow and grow to a lovely flower one day.

Australian Coloured Pencils Resources -

On a side note, before you ask yes my website is coming, my hubby is the slacker not me and is apparently working on it this week. *nudge nudge* if your reading this honey, hopefully it will be up next week.


Kasie @ ~The Art of Life~ said...

You're doing a great job of being so organized and efficient!
Getting your website done, doing the squidoo, setting up an ImageKind gallery...Wow! You're really inspiring me to get busy myself.

Michelle Wrighton Artist said...

Hi Belinda

Well done on creating the squidoo lense. I've been working in cp's for a number of years, and it is not a very well known (or respected) medium.

There are a couple of online shops here that sell prismas, I will see if I can find the urls for you.

I've also had success in ordering NorthLight and other cp books from Steve at, much cheaper than they are in the shops (if you can find them that is).

I have a a few work in progress/demo type posts on my website blog and a sprinkling of tips and techniques that might help artist new to this medium.

My url is


Belinda Lindhardt said...

Thanks Kasie,
And thanks Michelle, i have been to your site a few times, i didnt want to start adding people who didnt want to be there :)

thanks i will add the links and add you to the site :)