Each Day is a Gift
Today is a gift. One of those rare gifts that cannot be bought or sold.
May you find moments in it to savor and enjoy. [...]
The majority of my work is in artists quality coloured pencils, however I also have series of works in oils, acrylics and pen.
I have created this art journal to document my journey, whether it be art, design, promotion or business. I look forward to sharing my experiences, techniques and inspirations with others and hope that it can in turn help others on their journey, or maybe might just help to fill in a bit of free internet browsing time :)
Belinda, the water is coming along nicely. And the movement of light, from the bright spot in the back to the blossoms in the front left is tremendous! :-) Have a good weekend!
Hi Belinda - I've been intrigued by the help you're getting along the way from your young budding artist and how many quick changes your lady is having! ;)
I love the way you've treated the blue flowers on the left and I think you've got some terrific recession going on at the back. Plus some very watery colours in that water.
You will know where you're going with this one in terms of what needs finishing and will know the answer to this one. I was trying to understand how you will be developing the tonal values of the dress relative to its background and couldn't quite work out how the light works around the dress - is it one directional or multi-directional?
This is developing well,love the colors.
What a treat to discover this work in progress, Belinda. You are achieving enviable depth and light and a beautiful variety of colour in your Monet garden. I'm always excited and terrified at the prospect of working with oils.
Thankyou so much everyone. I have to say i am really enjoying monet and the process its been great.. i was doing my sunset i was again getting into my usual rut.. so i told myself to paint as if i was doing my monet peice and it all started to come together so yay!!
Katherine, i am yet to do anything sold on the girls dress. i think i must do a coulple of sketches just to work out what is happening there.. i think the light would be multi directional reflection from the water and from the sun .. on my reference the person standing in that position has direct sunlight on them particularly on their head/hair .. so i think this would work great.. if i can pull it off :) not really used to doing figures so its all an experiment for me :)
any suggestions ?
It's looking so good....can't wait to see the end result. :)
Belinda, I don't know if you finished this, but I saw this, by Richard Johnson, today and it reminded me of your painting. He has lots of figures in gardens, etc. Ideas.
I don't know why the link says "apple" but it works. :)
Wow that is beautiful thanks Jo such beautiful light is his work :)
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